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Experiencing God

Henry Blackaby, Richard Blackaby, and Claude King, 2008. Experiencing God. Knowing and Doing the Will of God. B&H Publishing Group, Nashville, TN.  
English Revised and expanded edition. Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are from the Holman Christian Standard Bible.
Chinese edition 2017-12. The Chinese translation is probably according to the original, non-extended edition.
Workbook Content English/Chinese pdf
  1. God's Will and your life/ 神的旨意与你的一生
  2. Looking to God/ 以神为中心的生活
  3. God pursues a love relationship/ 神追求与人建立爱的关系
  4. God's love and God's invitation/深得爱和神的邀请
  5. God speaks to people, part 1/神向人说话 (上)
  6. God speaks to people, part 2/神向人说话 (下)
  7. The crisis of belief/信仰危机
  8. Adjusting Your life to God / 调整生命去适应神
  9. Experiencing God through obedience / 借着顺服体验神
  10. 10. God's will and the church /神的旨意与教会
  11. 11. Kingdom People/ Citizens of God’s Kingdom 对世界的使命
  12. 12. Experience God in your daily life /每日经历神