Freedom in Christ Course 系列课程 :在基督里的自由
Discussion questions for Session 8 Renewing the mind 第八节:心意更新

Pause for thought or breakout room 1 暂停思考或分组讨论室1
  1. My entire personality has been formed around the wrong information. What do you think about the idea that for much of our lives, our belief system and how we think have been influenced and shaped by many lies and half-truths said over us? 我的全部人格形成于错误的认知。你如何看待这样的观点:在生命中的很多时候,我们的信仰体系以及思维方式受身边许多的谎言及半真半假的事实影响和塑造。

  2. No child of God is inferior or inadequate. What does the Bible say? (Examples Galatians 4:7, John 1:12, Genesis 1:26) 神的儿女没有逊色或不足的。圣经上是怎么说的? (例如加拉太书4:7,约翰福音1:12,创世记1:26)

  3. Read 2 Corinthians 10:3-5. A stronghold is a faulty belief that has been reinforced many times over a long period. What practical ways can we consider to make us more aware of strongholds, and how they affect our lives? 哥林多后书10:3-5中提到的思想壁垒是指我们长期以来通过反复的自我强化所形成的错误信念。我们可以采取哪些实际行动来更加了解自己的思想壁垒以及它们如何影响我们生活?

Pause for thought or breakout room 2 暂停思考或分组讨论室2
  1. Spend some time discussing the ways that strongholds are established. In what ways can you identify with the story of the alcoholic father and his three sons? Can you see any strongholds that have been established in your own life? 花一些时间讨论思想壁垒形成的方式。听到酗酒的父亲和他的三个儿子的故事,你自己有类似的经历或感受吗?你能看到自己的思想壁垒吗?

  2. Look at this list of common lies that people come to believe about themselves: 以下是人们在自我认知中常见的谎言:
    unloved 不被爱 bù bèi ài
    rejected 被绝拒 bèi jué jù
    inadequate 不足 bùzú
    hopeless 绝望 juéwàng
    stupid 笨  bèn
    Find a Bible verse for each word that shows that this cannot be true for any Christian. The truth encounter lists may help you. 针对以上每个词语,从圣经中找到相关的经文来证明这些自我认知对于任何一名基督徒来说都是不正确的。遇见真理列表也许会对你有所帮助。

  3. Read 1 John 4:4. Who is greater than the one who is in the world?
    No Christian, no matter how bad their past experiences, has to remain a victim. God doesn't change our past, He sets us free from it!. Discuss. 读约翰一书4:4, 思考是谁比那在世上的更大?讨论:无论基督徒的过去多么糟糕,他们都不必成为过去经历的牺牲品。神不会改变我们的过去,但他让我们放下过去,重得自由!

Reflection 思考
  1. Have you become aware of lies that you are prone to believe? What is the most significant one?  你是否意识到一些自己往往容易相信的谎言?其中最容易的是哪些?

  2. Create your first very own stronghold-buster, using the pages 162-167 of your participant's guide. . 根据读者指南第162-167页中的问题,开始尝试攻破自己第一个思想壁垒。
    NB in the FIC Course app, currently only one stronghold-buster can be built. I (Ed) have reported this flaw. 注意:在FIC Course应用程序中,目前只能建立一个思想壁垒攻破工具。此问题已被(Ed)反馈。