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If you are new to the CSMN app, go to the home page and click on the top right. Signup/register there. Then you have all features available, such as messaging.
Chinese Student Ministries Netherlands (CSMN) is a unique place where Chinese students can meet. In the meetings students are introduced to the Bible and Christianity. Team members will help you to understand the Bible.
华人学生团契是一个独特的、可以提供华人基督徒或者慕道朋友聚会的地方。我们尊重您的宗教观以及世界观,并且欢迎所有的华人学生。 在这里, 团契成员会向您介绍基督信仰,帮助大家了解并学习圣经的知识。
Chinese Student Ministries Netherlands (CSMN) is a unique place where Chinese students can meet. In the meetings students are introduced to the Bible and Christianity. Team members will help you to understand the Bible.
华人学生团契是一个独特的、可以提供华人基督徒或者慕道朋友聚会的地方。我们尊重您的宗教观以及世界观,并且欢迎所有的华人学生。 在这里, 团契成员会向您介绍基督信仰,帮助大家了解并学习圣经的知识。