Pre-Mosaic laws

The following is a list of laws seen in force in Genesis, given by God, and subsequently written in the Law given to Moses

  • The law of the sabbath (Gen. 2:3).  Ex. 16:23; 20:10; 31:13-17.  Deut. 5:14.
  • The law of the place to worship (Gen. 3:24; 4:3, 4, 16; 9:26, 27).  Ex. 25:8.  Deut. 12:5-7.  Lev. 17:3, 4.
  • The law of the acceptance of sacrifice by fire from heaven (Gen. 4:4, 5).  Cp. strange fire, Ex. 30:9.  Lev. 6:9; 10:1.
  • The law of sacrifices (Gen. 4:4; 15:9; 22:2, 13).  Ex. 29:36.  Lev. 1:2-5.
  • The law of clean and unclean (Gen. 7:2; 8:20).  Lev. 11.  Deut. 14:3-20.
  • The law of the altar (Gen. 8:20; 12:7, 8; 13:4, 18; 22:9; 26:25).  Ex. 20:24.
  • The law of eating flesh (Gen. 9:3).  Deut. 12:20.
  • The law against eating blood (Gen. 9:4).  Lev. 7:26; 17:10-14.
  • The law against murder (Gen. 9:5, 6).  Ex. 20:13.  Deut. 5:17.
  • The law of parental authority (Gen. 9:25; 18:19; 22; 37:13).  Ex. 20:12.  Lev. 19:3.  Deut. 5:16.
  • The law of polygamy (Gen.4:19; 29:23-30; 30:1-24; 31:17; 32:22; 37:2). Deut. 21:15-17; 22:13, 22. 
  • The law against adultery (Gen. 12:18; 20:3, 9; 26:10, 11; 38; 39:9; 49:4).  Lev. 20:10.
  • The law as to (1) priesthood (Gen. 14:18).  Ex. 28:1.  (2) priestly garments (Gen. 27:15; 37:3).  Ex. 28:4.
  • The law of tithes (Gen. 14:20; 28:22).  Lev. 27:30-32.
  • The law as to covenant-making (Gen. 15:10, 18; 21:27, 32).  Ex. 34:27; 19:5.
  • The law of intercession (Gen. 17; 18; 20:17; 24.)
  • The law of righteousness (Gen. 17:1).  Deut. 18:13.
  • The law of circumcision (Gen. 17:9, 10).  Lev. 12:3.
  • The law of hospitality (Gen. 18).  Lev. 19:33, 34.  Deut. 10:18, 19.
  • The law against licentiousness (Gen. 18:20).  Lev. 18.
  • The law against fornication (Gen. 34:7).
  • The law as to oaths (Gen. 21:23; 24:41; 26:28).  Ex. 22:11.  Num. 5:19.
  • The law of binding sacrifices (Gen. 22:9).  Ps. 118:27.
  • The law of birthright (Gen. 25:33).  Deut. 21:16, 17.
  • The law of anointing with oil (Gen. 28:18; 31:13).  Ex. 40:15.
  • The obligation of vows (Gen. 28:20-22; 31:13).  Deut. 23:21.  Num. 30:2.
  • The law against idolatry (implied in the word "dominion", Gen. 1:26; 31:32, 35).  Ex. 20:3-6.  Deut. 5:7-10.
  • The law of uncleanness (Gen. 31:35).  Lev. 15.
  • The law against marriage between circumcised and uncircumcised (Gen. 34:14).  Deut. 7:3.
  • The law of ceremonial cleansing for worship (Gen. 35:2).  Ex. 19:10.
  • The law of drink offerings (Gen. 35:14).  Ex. 29:40.  Lev. 23:18.
  • The law of marrying the brother's widow (Gen. 38:8).  Deut. 25:5-10.
  • The law of dowry (Gen. 34:12).  Ex. 22:16.