website renewed
November 23rd, 2023
We have renewed our website. The dropdown menu has been replaced by a mouse-over feature. Less clicks are required. All links in the second level pages have been replaced by buttons. This makes navigation easier. The whole look is more modern now.On the home page, the link to our mobile app has become more dominant, since we work mainly through the CSMN app.......
How to order The Radical Disciple
November 6th, 2023
This study book is written by Josh Hunt. It's available at or as e-book.You need three things:1. If you don't have an Amazon account, you need to create an Amazon account at or Amazon.nl2. The Kindle Reader on your phone. Go to your App Store and download the Kindle app and register there.3. You order at Amazon the 4 Euros e-book Question-Based Bible Study Lessons--...
Alpha Course renewed
September 28th, 2022
In 2016 the Alpha Course has been updated entirely. Very modern production. The English spoken videos were subtitled with Chinese text.This year 2022, a complete make-over has been made in Chinese. The speakers and interviewees are all Mandarin speaking Chinese. All 15 videos are to be found on Youtube.We are concerned that those videos might be banned and canceled by Youtube, as was done with man...
Solid Biblical teching series added
July 29th, 2022
We see the need of solid Biblical teaching. Also among our Chinese students. For those who have become followers of Jesus a couple of teaching series have been posted in the Resources section of the CSMN app. We selected series by Dr. Andy Woods and Dr. Erwin Lutzer. Please, have a look.......
Attachments in app messaging
July 2nd, 2022
In the CSMN app, messaging is being used more often. We discovered that there is a glitch in messaging. Attachments can be added. But only files and pictures that reside on the phone, not in the cloud. We have filed a support ticket to Subsplash support.A workaround is possible by opening messaging on the CSMN website and attach all kinds of attachments there.......
Will you work for your salvation?
June 18th, 2022
Watch this 3-minute video to learn whether work can bring you salvation......
App update including LIFT radio
April 12th, 2022
Now we have a brand new update for the CSMN app. In the App Stores, you will find the application with latest version 5.19. It has a new worship music livestream incorporated, called LIFT radio, 24/7.......
The Chosen
March 10th, 2022
The Chosen is a series of episodes about Jesus. It's an expensive project that is financed through crowd funding. Individuals and denominations can influence the course of the project. When you do some research on this project, it seems that the Church of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) is very involved. That raises a red flag.So far, two seasons have been produced and many other seasons will follow. ...
Song and teaching media search
March 4th, 2022
Songs search feature...
Messaging through a browser
October 4th, 2021
Type your new text here.......
Healthy church
September 21st, 2021
When students come to faith in Christ, the need for a healthy church for them arises. We made a list of things that need to be examined before one becomes part of a local church. Both doctrinally as in terms of character and spiritual fruit. You can access the list through an icon-link on the home page of the CSMN app.......
Install Christian apps
September 19th, 2021
Chinese students usually come to The Netherlands with their mobile phones that are set up in China. When they try to install Christian mobile applications they get stuck because they automatically search the App Stores in China. Those App Stores have blocked Christian content. So they cannot install the CSMN app and the Youversion Bible app.This page Install Christian apps described the workaround...
Song playlists
September 11th, 2021
Many students are used to listen to music during travel, shopping, lab work, etc. We have added an extended playlist of Christian songs.......
September 11th, 2021
We have added a number of Christian podcasts on our CSMN app. Currently there are 10 ministries represented on this list. We need the help of Chinese Christians to find Chinese spoken biblical sound podcasts.......
Fill In notes
August 30th, 2021
Recently we have explored and implemented Fill In notes into our CSMN app. Fill in notes can only be used in the mobile app, not in the standard website.Fill In notes are attached to media. The media can be just an image or a video. The attachment to that media can be standard notes or fill in notes. The advantage of fill in notes is that blank spaces can be added to texts, so that the user is abl...
Stand Up for the Truth
August 12th, 2021
This is one of the best podcasts that I know. The host David Fiorazo is so biblical and uplifting. This helps me to understand the times we are living in.......
Messaging feature
June 25th, 2021
For two months the messaging feature in the CSMN app has been failing regarding the notification alerts. If you have that issue, please check the steps described in this document.......
Returnee to China course
May 6th, 2021
Many Chinese students study abroad in the USA, Europe, and Australia. An Australian organization offers short courses for Chinese who became Christians abroad and are returning to China. The upcoming short online course is called "Helping your friend thrive in China" and is given from 7-18 June. The registration deadline in 2 June. Go for the Course outline and Registration to https://www.thriving...
Blog posts
April 15th, 2021
We have added a new version of blog posts in the CSMN app. ......
Bible books summaries
April 15th, 2021
We have added a series of short descriptions of all 66 Bible books. For the 27 New Testament books we have added 5-minute video's for each book, provided by Dr Andy Woods.Here is the link to the series.......