Freedom in Christ Course 系列课程 :在基督里的自由
Discussion questions for Session Introduction ‘Why believe the Bible? 介绍:为什么要相信圣经?

Pause for thought or breakout room  暂停思考或分组讨论室
  1. When was the first time you heard about the Bible, read the Bible, or had it read to you? 你第一次听说圣经、读圣经或者听别人读圣经是什么时候?

  2. Is there a Bible passage or verse that is particularly special to you? If so, read it to the group and explain briefly why it is so meaningful. 有没有特别触动你的圣经篇章或经文?有的话,请在小组分享并简单说明该经文为何具有独特意义。

  3. Why do you believe – or why do you currently struggle with the concept that the Bible is “the inspired word of God”? 你为何相信或者目前还难以接受圣经是“神所默示的话”?

  4. Lookup some of the following Old Testament prophesies: Micah 5:2; Isaiah 7:14; Jeremiah 31:15; Psalm 41:9; Zechariah 11:12-13; Psalm 22:16-19; Zechariah 12:10; Exodus 12:46; Psalm 43:20; Psalm 22:18. From your knowledge of the story of Jesus, who were these prophesies fulfilled? 让我们查考旧约的一些预言:弥迦书5:2; 以赛亚书7:14; 耶利米书31:15; 诗篇41:9; 撒迦利亚书11:12-13; 诗篇22:16-19; 撒迦利亚书12:10; 出埃及记12:46; 诗篇43:20; 诗篇22:18

  5. History confirms the Bible and things predicted in it later happened. How do these two things help you believe the Bible really is God’s message to us? 历史证实,圣经所记载以及预言的事情后来果真发生了。 你如何通过这两件事确信圣经真是神对我们说的话?

  6. What are some of the reasons that people dismiss the claims of the Bible? 为何人们对圣经的宣称不以为然?

Reflection 思想
  1. Spend some time thanking God for the Bible. 请花一些时间感谢神赐给我们他的话--圣经。

  2. Then ask Him to continue to develop in you a thirst and longing to read and understand His Word in your day-to-day life. 求神让我们在每天的生活中对阅读与理解他的话充满渴慕。