Freedom in Christ Course 系列课程 :在基督里的自由
Discussion questions for Session 3 The world's view of truth 第三节:世界的真理观

Pause for thought or breakout room 1 暂停思考或分组讨论室1
  1. In what ways has the world tried to make you feel insignificant, insecure, and unloved? 世界如何会让你感到自己微不足道,缺少安全感,不被爱的?

  2. In what ways has the world promised you significance, security, and acceptance? 世界用什么方式允诺你你是重要的,让你感觉到有安全感以及被接受的?
    Do you recognize these "false formulas"?: 你熟悉这些“错误的公式”吗?
    Performance + accomplishments = significance 表现+成就=重要性
    Status + recognition = security 地位+认可=安全感
    Appearance + admiration = acceptance 外表+被崇拜=被接受

  3. How can you counteract "the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life" (1 John 2:15-17)? 你可以如何抵抗“肉体的私欲,眼目的私欲和今生的骄傲”(约翰一书 2:15-17)?

Pause for thought or breakout room 2 暂停思考或分组讨论室2
  1. How different would your worldview be if you had grown up in another part of the world or at a different time? 如果你出生在世界上的另外一个地方或者生在另外一个时代,你的世界观会有什么不一样的呢?

  2. I what ways do you identify with one of the worldviews (western, non-western, post-modern, biblical) discussed here? 这里提及到了西方的,非西方的,后现代的,圣经的等世界观,你自己的世界观属于哪一种呢?

  3. When we talk to people about Jesus' claim to be the only way to God, how can we not come across as arrogant? 耶稣宣称自己是通往神的唯一途径,当我们告诉别人这事时,我们怎样做才会不显得傲慢自大?

Reflection 思想
  1. Spend some time in prayer throwing out your old worldview and choosing to see the world as God says it actually is. 花一些时间祷告,求神帮助自己摒弃旧的世界观并接受神所指引的世界观,从而看到世界真实的模样。

  2. You might find it helpful to say: I renounce the lie of [my old false belief] and I announce the truth [from God's Word], for example: 或许说接下来的话会对你有帮助:我摒弃[以前错误的信念]的谎言,相信[神的话语传递出来]的真理,例如:
    • I renounce the lie that the unseen spiritual world is not real and I announce the truth that it is just as real as the physical world that we can see 我摒弃“看不见的精神世界不是真实的”的谎言,宣告“精神世界和我们肉眼看到的物质世界一样真实”。
    • I renounce the lie that financial success brings real security and I announce the truth that I am already perfectly secure because no one can snatch me out of God's hand (John 10:28) 我摒弃“财务上的富足能带来真正的安全感”的谎言,宣告“我在神的手中非常安稳,没人能将我从上帝手中夺走(约翰福音10:28)” 。
    • I renounce the lie that I should be worried that someone may have cursed me and I announce the truth that I am seated with Christ in the heavenly realms far above all other spiritual powers (Ephesians 2:6)  我摒弃“我担心我可能是被咒诅的(被巫婆/邪灵咒诅是西方文化对厄运的迷信,中国传统文化中比较相近的是迷信自己八字不好、犯冲、相克等)”的 谎言,宣告“我与基督一同坐在天上,远远高于所有其他属灵的力量(属灵一般是指属圣灵的,这里的灵显然不是圣灵,而是邪灵)(以弗所书2:6)”。