Freedom in Christ Course 系列课程 :在基督里的自由
Discussion questions for Session 5 The battle of our minds 第五节:思想之战

Pause for thought or breakout room 1 暂停思考或分组讨论室1
  1. Does the devil seem more of less powerful than you had imagined? In what ways? ?  魔鬼是不是好像比你之前以为的还要强大?表现在哪方面呢?

  2. Not every thought that come into my head is my own. For example the thoughts "I am useless" or "I am dirty". What do you think about this. 不是我们的每一个念头都是我们自己的,诸如“我没用”或“我肮脏”的想法。你是怎么看待这种观点。

  3. Looking back, can you identify occasions when a thought you have had may well have been from the enemy? Are those thoughts always completely false? 回顾过去,有没有某些时候你发觉你曾有的念头很可能是来自于敌人(撒旦)?那些想法(比如觉得自己很丑,很无能,很没有价值)是否总是完全错误的?

Pause for thought or breakout room 2 暂停思考或分组讨论室2
  1. If you are deceived, by definition you don't know it. What are some of the ways that you might become aware of deception in your life? ? 如果你被欺骗,按照欺骗的定义来讲,你应该是不知道自己被骗的。但通过哪些方式你可以认识到生活中的欺骗?

  2. What practical steps can you take to "take every thought captive" to obey Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5)? 你可以采取哪些实际行动来“把一切心意夺回来”顺服耶稣(哥林多后书10:5)?

  3. If we have given the enemy a foothold through sin, how can we take that foothold away according to James 4:7? 如果我们因为犯了罪让敌人乘虚而入了,那根据雅各书4:7,我们又可以如何将敌人赶出去呢?

Reflection 思考
  1. We know that anyone born of God does not continue to sin; The One who was born of God keeps them safe, and the evil one cannot harm them (1 John 5:18). Spend a few minutes as a group discussing this powerful truth and how it applies to your daily life. 我们知道凡从 神生的就不犯罪,而且从  神生的那一位也必保守他,连那罪者也不能碰他(约翰一书5:18)。花几分钟时间讨论这个强大的真理以及我们可以怎么在日常生活运用它。

  2. Read Ephesians 6:10-18, pausing after each element of the armor of God to pray. As you pray, visualize yourself putting on - or having on - each piece of the armor and commit yourself to what it represents.
    For example:
    "I put on the belt of truth. I commit myself to believe the truth, speak only the truth, and live according to the truth", or
    "I thank You that Jesus has made me righteous and that the breastplate of righteousness covers my heart".
