Freedom in Christ Course 系列课程 :在基督里的自由
Discussion questions for Session 6 Handling emotions well 第五节:情绪管理

Pause for thought or breakout room 1 暂停思考或分组讨论室1
  1. Look at the example of Jesus in Matthew 26:37 and that of David in 2 Samuel 6:14. What can they teach us? 从马太福音26:37中的耶稣以及撒母耳记下6:14中的大卫身上,我们可以学到什么?

  2. God gave us the ability to feel emotional pain for our own protection. Do you agree? If so, how do you think that works in practice? 神赋予了我们感受痛苦的能力是为了保护我们。你赞同吗?如果赞同,那你觉得这在实际生活中是如何起作用的?

  3. Discuss this statement: If what you believe does not reflect what is actually true, then what you feel won't reflect reality. 讨论以下陈述:只有相信真理,才能真实地感知现实。

Pause for thought or breakout room 2 暂停思考或分组讨论室2
  1. Describe a life-goal you have had that you thought would make you feel significant, secure and accepted, that ended up being blocked. 分享一个曾经让你觉得自己很重要,有安全感以及被接受,但最终却无法实现的人生目标。

  2. How can traumatic experiences lead us to believe a lie about ourselves, God, or Satan? 受伤的经历会如何导致我们相信关于自己,神或撒旦的谎言(比如我很笨,神不爱我)?

  3. Discuss this statement: Children of God are not primarily products of their past. They are primarily products of Christ's work on the cross and His resurrection. Nobody can change our past, but we can choose to walk free of it. That's the whole point of the Gospel. 讨论以下陈述:神的儿女不是过去的经历塑造的。他们是基督在十字架上的受难和复活塑造的。没有人可以改变我们的过去,但是我们可以选择放下过去。这是福音的核心所在。

Reflection 思考
  1. How easy do you find it to tell God exactly how you feel? 你觉得确切地向神诉说你的感受容易吗?

  2. Open the FIC Course app. Go to Truth Encounter Lists and open My Father God.
    Read each truth statement one at a time and pause after each one to let it sink in. 打开FIC课程app。找到“Truth Encounter Lists”,打开“My Father God”。依次阅读每条真理陈述,并在每条真理之后停顿,深入思考其中的含义。

  3. How does understanding the truth about Him make it easier to be emotionally honest with Him? 理解关于神的真理可以如何帮助我们在情感上诚实地面对神?