Freedom in Christ Course 系列课程 :在基督里的自由
Discussion questions for Session 7 Forgiving from the heart 第七节:发自内心的饶恕

Pause for thought or breakout room 1 暂停思考或分组讨论室1
  1. Why are people (including Christians) often unwilling to forgive? 为什么人们(包括基督徒)经常会不愿意饶恕他人?

  2. In order to understand how important it is to forgive others, we need to understand how much we ourselves have been forgiven. Discuss this idea. 讨论:要明白饶恕别人有多重要,就要先理解我们自己是怎样被饶恕的。

  3. The four main aspects of God's character are: God is holy, God is love, God is just, and God is full of mercy.
    Look at the definitions of justice (giving people what they deserve), mercy (not giving people what they deserve, mostly withholding punishment), and grace (giving people what they don't deserve, mostly blessing). How does God come to us when we go wrong? How can we go to other people in the same way? 神的四个主要特征:神是圣洁的,神就是爱,神是公义的,神是满有怜悯的。结合公义(给人应得之物),怜悯(不给人应得之物,主要指赦免惩罚)和恩典(给人不应得之物,主要指祝福)的定义, 思考当我们犯错时,神是如何对待我们的?我们又可以如何以同样的方式去对待别人呢?

Pause for thought or breakout room 2 暂停思考或分组讨论室2
  1. Don't get involved with evil spirits, like in the story in Mark 5:1-8. What is the reaction to the idea that unforgiveness opens the door to the enemy's influence in your life? 马可福音5:1-8中的故事告诉我们不要接触污灵。你怎样看待如果我们不饶恕,那么撒旦就有机会影响、控制我们的说法?

  2. The longer you leave the hook in, the more pain it will cause you. Discuss.   讨论:不拔去心头的刺,时间越长,它所带来的伤害越痛。

  3. Read 2 Corinthians 2:10-11. What do you think about this statement: When it comes to forgiveness, the real issue is not so much between us and the other person, it's more between us and God? 阅读哥林多后书2:10-11。你如何看待这种说法:饶恕涉及的其实不是我和另一个人的关系,更重要的是我们与神的关系。?

Reflection 思想
  1. Don't take revenge (Romans 12:19). Spend some time praying together for those who indicate they are ready and willing to forgive others when we go through The Steps to Freedom in Christ. There is no need to sharing anything - just pray. 不要为自己伸冤(罗马书12:19)。当我们浏览The Steps to Freedom in Christ时,若有人表示自己已经准备好愿意饶恕他人,请花一些时间为他们祷告。不需要做分享,只需祷告。

  2. Discuss the following statements:
    "Forgiving has little to do with the person who (has) hurt you;"
    "Forgiving is not forgetting;"
    "God will ensure justice is done (Romans 12:19)."