Freedom in Christ Course 系列课程 :在基督里的自由
Discussion questions for Session 9 Relating to others 第九节:心系他人

Pause for thought or breakout room 1 暂停思考或分组讨论室1
  1. John 10:10 says: The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy, I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. Second Corinthians 4:4 says that one reason people do not respond to the Gospel is that Satan has blinded their minds, and Psalm 133 says that where there is unity, God brings blessing. How do these verses help you understand why Jesus prayed that we would be one? 约翰福音10:10说:盗贼来,无非要偷窃,杀害,毁坏;我来了,是要叫人得生命,并且得的更丰盛。哥林多后书4:4说,人们不回应福音其中一个原因是撒但弄瞎了他们的心眼,诗篇133篇说,只要弟兄和睦共处,就有耶和华命定的福。通过这些经文,你如何理解耶稣为我们祷告,希望我们能合而为一?

  2. If God's people are not genuinely united, we will only ever reach a tiny part of the harvest. What are your thoughts on this statement? 如果神的儿女不能真正的团结在一起,那我们永远只能获得很小一部分的收成。你如何看待这个说法?

  3. When we are lukewarm in our relationship with God (Revelation 3:16), we tend to overlook our own sin and see the sin of others. Discuss this idea. 讨论:启示录3:16提到当我们不冷不热地对待和神的关系时,我们往往会忽略自己的罪,眼睛却盯着别人的罪。

Pause for thought or breakout room 2 暂停思考或分组讨论室2
  1. Spend some time discussing the difference between our rights and responsibilities in relation to others. You may like to consider this in relation to specific people in your life, for example, spouse, child, work colleague, friend, church leader, or neighbor. 花一些时间讨论我们拥有的权利和对他人的责任之间的区别。你可以针对生活中的特定人群来考虑这一点,比如配偶,孩子,同事,朋友,教会领袖或邻居。

  2. If we can learn to serve and love other people without expecting anything in return, it's liberating. Instead of constantly being disappointed by others, we will be truly and pleasantly surprised when people serve and love us (Galatians 5:13). Do you agree with this? Why or why not? 加拉太书5:13说:当我们学会凭着爱心服事别人,不求回报的时候, 我们就得到了解放, 获得了自由。这样我们就会在别人满有爱心地服事我们的时候,满心欢欣,而不再不断地对别人失望。你赞同吗?为什么赞同或者为什么不赞同呢?

  3. What would it mean practically for you to focus on your own character and on the needs of others (instead of focusing on our own needs and criticize the character of others) ? 对你而言,专注于自己的性格和他人的需求,而不是专注于自己的需求并批评他人的性格,对自己的实际生活意味着什么?

Reflection 思考
  1. Spend some time asking God for wisdom as to how best relate to others in your life. First, consider who the main people in your life are. Then ask God for wisdom in how you can best relate to them. Is there a need to stop judging their character and instead offer loving discipline? Or to forgive them? How can you meet their needs? 花一些时间向神祈求智慧,帮助自己在生活中处理好与他人的关系。首先,想想自己生活中主要有哪些人。然后,向神寻求智慧,如何和他们更好地建立感情/关系。想想是不是有必要不再批评他们的性格,并做出一些基于爱的教导?还是该原谅他们了?自己如何可以满足他们的需求呢?

  2. Fill out the form on page 184 of your participant's guide. 填写读者指南第184页的表格。