Hope03 Commentary
Genesis 6:2 "...the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose." (NIV)
The NIV Study Bible gives possible explanations. Sons of God refer to angels or godly men (the Sethites) and daughters of humans refer to sinful human beings (from the wicked line of Cain, the Cainites), who intermarried. The idea (angels and humans intermarriage) came from ancient mythologies, but is excluded by the very nature of the created order.
My idea is that Moses, the author of Genesis and messenger of God, means the intermarriage of two people groups; one is the godly Sethites and the other is the wicked Cainites. Such an intermarriage cannot be blessed by God.
Genesis 6:2 "...the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose." (NIV)
The NIV Study Bible gives possible explanations. Sons of God refer to angels or godly men (the Sethites) and daughters of humans refer to sinful human beings (from the wicked line of Cain, the Cainites), who intermarried. The idea (angels and humans intermarriage) came from ancient mythologies, but is excluded by the very nature of the created order.
My idea is that Moses, the author of Genesis and messenger of God, means the intermarriage of two people groups; one is the godly Sethites and the other is the wicked Cainites. Such an intermarriage cannot be blessed by God.