Love each other
Verse 1
All the room was hushed and still
And when the bowl was filled
He stooped to wash their feet
And when it was complete
He said this is what
I'm asking you to do
This is why I'm kneeling here beside you
This is what I want my church to be
This is what I want the world to see
Who it is you follow
Love each other one another
Love each other in the way
That I have loved you
Walk together and whatever comes
Love each other in the way
That I have loved you
Verse 2
Let the room be hushed and still
Let us go to where He kneels
And join Him as He serves
And learn His ways of love
He said this is what
I'm asking you to do
This is why I'm kneeling here beside you
This is what I want my church to be
This is what I want the world to see
Who it is you follow
Graham Kendrick
CCLI Song #5490167
© 2009 Make Way Music
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